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Oh, Dear, Behind Again!

Writer: Pat J WheelerPat J Wheeler

Updated: Jun 14, 2024

Here I am late again after promising to write more often (embarrassed)! But I DID get a much-needed vacation to Texas with my 2nd oldest granddaughter, Natalie. We avoided the monsoons they had been having there but got caught in the heat advisory instead. WHEW!! (drip, drip)

Natalie met family members she had only heard about. My brother, Jon, and his wife, Margie, hosted us at their Galveston beach house for the weekend where we fed porpoises in the bay and searched for shells and sharks' teeth. His kids Katie, Emily, Jess, and Shelley, shared their 7 children (all under age 4) and their spouses with us.

Natalie and I visited the Alamo on the hottest day, wouldn't you know? It was almost too hot to enjoy it, though cooler inside the building. The next day, in New Braunfels, we found a lovely little boutique to buy a souvenir to wear, and the oldest bakery in the state. We spent some time with a touring group in Austin and learned some history of the city and the capitol.

On the last day, Emily booked us an official university tour of Texas A&M. Natalie learned all the best questions to ask of any university she might want to attend after graduating next May. Emily and Lucas are great supporters of A&M and took us to Dixie Chicken for lunch; even their boys, ages 2 and 2mo, had on Aggie shirts!!

It's great to be home. Poor Bella didn't know what to think for a couple days with me gone. I realized that Gary and I usually travel together and leave her at her day care so she barely knows we are gone. Now that I'm back I will be focused on Bella because Bella's book is at the illustrator as we speak!! And I WILL let you know more about this as it happens!!

Thank you for being my listeners and supporters,

[Don't have a Thirsty Thursday (remember you should hydrate BEFORE you get thirsty)]

Have a Ferocious Friday!



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